Save your supply chain for quick access to risk data in the future. You will also receive notifications about changes in the risk profile of countries in your supply chain. You will need to create a supply chain for each country of origin that you source from.
To be checked during field verification.
Transport Guide to identify if transported to the port, to verify if the species and the minimum diameters are transported.
CITES Conference of the Parties and the Standing Committee recommends to suspend trade of CITES species from the country.
The annual quota for CITES protected species is not developed as required, thus it is not possible to verify if permits for CITES do not exceed those limits.
Visit the forest area where logging is carried out, to examine the delimitation of the property boundaries on the land, their owners, and their accredited documentation. Crosscheck the documents with the following:
a. Location matches with the boundaries established in the harvesting permit or CAAF and their respective Measurement certificate.
b. Verify on the ground that there is no overlap with areas designated for national parks, or forests within 2 km around villages.
c. Boundaries of the Forest concession/or harvesting area are clearly marked on the ground. (NOTE: A 1-2 metres track around the area shall be in place to delimitate the boundaries).
d. Verify that logging operations are carried out within the boundary delimitation.
Verify that timber is not originating from protected areas by tracking timber to the harvesting site:
• Identify logging site by marked codes. All logs are marked with a code which include code assigned for the logging company + logging site code + species code.
• Verify that species and volumes of timber under assessment correspond with the stumps at logging site.
• Verify that the area harvested is within the limits established in the Measurement Certificate and within the map of the forest annexed in the Harvesting Permit or CAAF.
• If relevant, boundaries between harvesting area and Protected area are clearly indicated in the field (1-2 metres of clear line around the forest area).
Visit villages and municipalities and observe that social works have been or are in the process of being implemented.
Consult to verify the degree of compliance to implement social works
Participate in the loading of the containers and observe the procedure. Verify that all required bodies are present:
Check the procedure for processed wood products: merchandise must be presented in bags or packages, clearly stating the following technical information: the measurements, the code, the number of the package, the initials of the company that owns the merchandise, and the code of origin.