
Legally Required Document

Harvest permit (Block Permit)

Applicable to: All Timber Harvesters in Forest Reserves and Free Areas
Holder of Document: Timber harvesters 
Signature required by:
State Forestry Departments
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Is the harvesting permit up to date? (has to be valid for one year; or renewed)

Has the signature been provided by the applicable authority?

Do species correspond with the ones listed in transport documents?

What are the species mentioned and are they the species being traded?

Is the date of signature of the permit prior to the dates on transport documents?

Are the traded volumes in line with authorized volumes?
Purpose and content of document:
The harvesting permit is required prior to harvesting and provides evidence of harvesting according to prescribed guidelines. Permits are issued by the States’ Forestry Departments. While harvesting timber, permit holders must follow the requirements on area, species, and measures stipulated in the Harvest Permit. Contents of the harvesting permit include permit code, name and address of permit holder, locality in which valid, expiration date, species, specification, rate, fees and royalties. Harvesting permits is valid for one year of harvesting and can be renewed yearly.
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