
Legally Required Document

Harvesting permit

Title in original language: Autorización de Apeo
Applicable to: Private and Communal forests (Not applicable for Forest Concessions in National Forest - CAAF holders)
Holder of Document: private forest owner or community representative 
Signature required by:
This document shall be signed by the President of the Republic.
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Has the document been properly signed and stamped?

Is the document valid? (privately owned forest harvesting permit will be valid for three months from the date of issue; communal forest - one year from the date of issue)

Does the document come with a measurement certificate including the corresponding sketch map and perimeter maps?
Purpose and content of document:
This document authorizes the forest owner (or third party-company) to carry out timber removal activities including harvesting and other activities in the leased forest area. The document stipulates the size of the concession, the duration of the felling permit, the geographic coordinates of neighbouring villages to perform social work. The document shall be signed by the President of the Republic.
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
there is a risk that Harvesting permit issued is signed by the regional representative of the Minister of Forest instead of the President (this is not a valid document)
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