
Legally Required Document

Annual Forest Harvesting License

Applicable to: All holders of Annual Forest Harvesting rights
Holder of Document: Forestry Development Institute (IDF) and Company that has the right to harvest. 
Signature required by:
the General Director of the Forestry Development Institute (IDF)
Key considerations when checking the doc:

It shall be signed and stamped

The information on the document should always be cross-checked with information on the related Certificate of Origin and the Transit Guide, such as:

  • The name of the person or entity specified on the license - licenses are not transferable to a third party.
  • Volume
  • Species
  • Verify that the species listed on the document are not protected or prohibited to harvest.
  • Volumes permitted should be cross-checked with trade/transport documents to ensure the quantity harvested is in line with the quantity moved from forest to first transformation entity (sawmill).
Purpose and content of document:
The document provides evidence the License holder has the right to harvest specific timber species at a certain allowed volume from a defined forest area. This document also contain the license validity and duration.
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