
Legally Required Document

CITES permit

Title in original language: Giấy phép CITES
Applicable to: Entities who import, export, and re-export species listed in the CITES appendices
Holder of Document: Entities who import, export, and re-export species listed in the CITES appendices. 
Signature required by:
Signature and seal of CITES Management Authority of Viet Nam, or The Southern Representative of Viet Nam CITES Management Authority
Key considerations when checking the doc:
□ Is there a signature and seal of the CITES Management Authority of Viet Nam?
□ Check that the permit is valid. The effective period of the export or re-export permit is 6 months and 12 months for the import permit from the date of issuance.
□ Is the scientific name of the species provided?
□ Check the document for obvious mistakes and changes made to verify its validity. See Preferred by Natures Thematic Article No. 2: Fake Documents
□ Applicable specifically for material imported to Viet Nam: Contact CITES authorities in the country where issued and verify that was issued by the applicable authorities.
Purpose and content of document:
Import/Export and Re-export Permits are required for trading species included on the CITES appendix lists. The contents of the document are: CITES permit number, validity period, importer and exporter/re-exporter's names, country of import, Signature, and seal of CITES Management Authority of Viet Nam, species' scientific name, volume/quantity, port of export
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
• No publicly available database or website is available to verify this certificate.
• Extra care should be given to verify its validity
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