
Legally Required Document

Industrial harvesting permit

Title in original language: Permis de coupe industrielle de bois d’œuvre
Applicable to: Industrial concessions / Artisanal Forest Units
Holder of Document: Concession holder company 
Signature required by:
Ministry in charge of forests
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Is the harvesting permit up to date?

Is the date of signature of the permit before the dates on transport documents?

Is the holder of the permit the same entity as the concession holder?

Is the area being harvested planned in management documents (Management plan, five-year programme, annual programme)?

What are the species mentioned, and are they the species being traded?

Are the traded volumes in line with authorised volumes?
Purpose and content of document:
Annual harvesting permit applicable to the annual harvesting area.
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
It does not constitute in itself proof that volumes and species requirements are enforced, nor that the limit of the annual cut area is respected, nor that harvesting did not take place before the issuance of the annual permit.
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