
Legally Required Document

CITES permit

Title in original language: Permis d’exportation CITES
Applicable to: Processing units
Holder of Document: Exporter / Ministry of Environment 
Signature required by:
Ministry of Environment (CITES Management authorities)
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Is the date of emission of the permit not older that 6 months before the actual export?

Are species and volumes declared in line with what is actually being traded?
Purpose and content of document:
Obtained from the Ministry of Environment. Demonstrates that the CITES Management authorities have approved the export. A CITES permit is valid for a maximum period of 6 months. It cannot be renewed.
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
Fraud on CITES permits has been documented in DRC. Controls on volumes harvested/exported are also difficult to implement. Controls do not highlight the legality of harvest operations outside administrative authorisations and compliance with prescribed volumes.
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