
Legally Required Document

Contractual clauses signed by the company and the local communities involved

Title in original language: Cahier(s) des Clauses Contractuelles signé(s) par l'entreprise et les populations locales impliquées
Applicable to: Concessionaires
Holder of Document: The local communities involved and the forest concession holder. 
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Are the specifications attached to the contract?
Are the two documents duly signed and stamped by the Minister of Forests and Wildlife and the holder of the logging title?
What is the date of signing? Validity date?
What is the forest concession concerned by the document?
Who is the holder of the forest concession indicated in the document?
What are the obligations of the forest operator indicated in the two documents?
Purpose and content of document:
The contractual clauses constitute an agreement to promote the social matters surrounding forest management and to establish the financial contribution provided by the forest concessions to support development actions in the collective interest of the local communities.
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
The document alone (contractual clauses) is not an indication that the obligations contained therein have been respected.
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