
Legally Required Document

Technological (logging) map

Title in original language: Технологічна карта
Holder of Document: Forest Management Department of the FME 
Signature required by:
Technological maps during felling on the territory and objects of the Nature Reserve Fund are agreed with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Environmental Protection; in the mountain forests of the Carpathians - with the regional state administrations, and for other forest users - also with the territorial bodies of the State Forest Resource Agency.
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Is the document signed with the correct date?

Have the forester (chief of forest unit) and person responsible for logging (head of logging unit), with the Engineer on occupational health and safety, Forestry Department, Chief Forester and Chief Engineer (final approval) given the signature?

Do the natures conservation, occupational health and safety requirements are described in the corresponding chapters of the document?
Purpose and content of document:
A technological map is a logging plan for cutting area which includes information what should be harvested, cartographic material, nature conservation limitations. Before the start of harvesting area development, a map of the technological process of is drawn up for each forest harvesting area, which is taking into account specific conditions which reflects forestry and organizational requirements for performance of work. The technological map contains a list of preparatory works, a scheme for the development of the felling which is determined with application on of production facilities, equipment, roads, haulage, methods of logging operations (felling trees, cutting knots, trawling, descent, trimming, sorting, stacking, loading wood, clearing felling sites), the order of development of apiaries is established, protection measures are foreseen labor and nature protection requirements are determined (prevention of soil erosion, preservation of undergrowth, etc.).
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