
Legally Required Document

Assessment report of the five-year management programme

Title in original language: Rapport d’évaluation du plan de gestion quinquennal
Applicable to: Industrial concession holders
Holder of Document: Concession holder company 
Signature required by:
Authorities from the Ministry in charge of forest
Key considerations when checking the doc:
Have the competent authorities approved the 5-year programme?

Is the 5-year programme in line with the provision of the management plan (especially in terms of annual harvesting areas and activities to be implemented)?

Is the current harvesting area in line with the provision of the 5-year programme?

Is the 5-year programme being implemented in the concession?
Purpose and content of document:
The Management plan must be detailed every five years in a management programme. The competent authorities must approve these 5-year programmes through a detailed evaluation consigned in a report.
Evidence limitations and weaknesses:
Having a 5-year programme does not guarantee its actual enforcement on the field.
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