
Country Risk Profiles


Risk score

About Liberia

Thank you for your interest in this Timber Legality Risk Assessment We are currently revising and updating this risk assessment, so it has been removed from the Sourcing Hub. We have removed it while we update it, because we have been made aware there can be important changes to the risk conclusions. If you would like to discuss the Timber Legality Risk Assessment for Liberia, or you have questions about legality risks for Liberia, please contact: sourcinghub@preferredbynature.org. You can stay up to date with the Liberia risk assessment, and all other Preferred by Nature Sourcing Hub updates by subscribing to the newsletter here. Overview of the forest sector Liberia has 4.2 million ha of forest, covering 43% of its land area. This area has decreased at an average of 0.7% per year for the last 25 years. Primary or naturally regenerated forest comprises 99% of the total area, while the remainder is planted forest. All forests are owned by the state, except for those that belong to communities and those planted on private lands or deeded lands. Most timber produced in Liberia is used domestically. Of the timber that is exported, most goes to China and small proportions go to other Asian countries and to Europe. Several legality risks are present in Liberia timber supply chains. The risks are wide-ranging and appear across all categories of law. If you are sourcing timber from Liberia you should take care to ensure the extensive risks identified are not present in your supply chains, or have been sufficiently mitigated.VIEW MORE

Thank you for your interest in this Timber Legality Risk Assessment We are currently revising and updating this risk assessment, so it has been removed from the Sourcing Hub. We have removed it while we update it, because we have been made aware there can be important changes to the risk conclusions.

If you would like to discuss the Timber Legality Risk Assessment for Liberia, or you have questions about legality risks for Liberia, please contact: sourcinghub@preferredbynature.org. You can stay up to date with the Liberia risk assessment, and all other Preferred by Nature Sourcing Hub updates by subscribing to the newsletter here.

Overview of the forest sector

Liberia has 4.2 million ha of forest, covering 43% of its land area. This area has decreased at an average of 0.7% per year for the last 25 years. Primary or naturally regenerated forest comprises 99% of the total area, while the remainder is planted forest. All forests are owned by the state, except for those that belong to communities and those planted on private lands or deeded lands.

Most timber produced in Liberia is used domestically. Of the timber that is exported, most goes to China and small proportions go to other Asian countries and to Europe. Several legality risks are present in Liberia timber supply chains. The risks are wide-ranging and appear across all categories of law. I

f you are sourcing timber from Liberia you should take care to ensure the extensive risks identified are not present in your supply chains, or have been sufficiently mitigated. VIEW LESS

Description of source types

Source types describe the possible origins of a commodity from within a country. Knowing the “source type” that timber originates from is useful because different source types can be subject to different applicable legislation and have attributes that affect the risk of non-compliance with the legislation.

CPI score

25, updated 2024

Armed Conflicts

There are currently no armed conflicts in Liberia according to the Council on Foreign Relations' Global Conflict Tracker

Voluntary Partnership Agreement

No Data


FSC certified area: 0 ha, updated April 1, 2023

Bans & Restrictions

Log export ban: 2003-2006, UN Security Council-imposed sanctions on timber exports from Liberia

Risk Species

Name CITES I CITES II CITES III IUCN Redlist Special attention
No records found


Tree cover loss

Tree cover loss”. Accessed on 01/01/2023 from www.globalforestwatch.org. The graph shows year-by-year tree cover loss, defined as stand level replacement of vegetation greater than 5 meters in the country. Note that “tree cover loss” is not the same as “deforestation” – tree cover loss includes change in both natural and planted forest, and does not need to be human caused. The data from 2011 onward were produced with an updated methodology that may capture additional loss. Comparisons between the original 2001-2010 data and future years should be performed with caution.

Overview of mitigation options organised by source type

Source Type
Number of risks
Document verification
Stakeholder Consultation
Field Verification
Scientific Testing
No records found
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